Our service is committed to providing high quality care and services and meeting your needs
We value your feedback – including complaints. Please download the form below to fill in.
*Please note: Our current timescales in responding to formal complaints is up to 30 days from the date received. We are currently working on reduced staff numbers and some staff have had to work from home to comply with COVID restrictions in our offices. We appreciate your patience during this difficult period.
Dispute Resolution Service
If we’re unable to resolve your complaint, you can refer this to BVLRA disputes resolution service. Please see below for contact details.
Unresolved disputes may be referred to the BVRLA by either the customer or the member involved.
Details should be submitted online at https://bvrla.co.uk/consumer-advice/ making-a-complaint-adr.html
If the customer does not have access to the internet, details can be sent by post to:
British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association River Lodge, Badminton Court
Amersham, HP7 0DD
The BVRLA will aim to resolve the matter using the information presented by both parties to the dispute. Any information requested from the member should be sent to the BVRLA within five working days. Based on the information available, the BVRLA will provide both parties with its findings and recommendations. The BVRLA aims to resolve complaints through the Dispute Resolution Service within 30 days.